Friday, March 18, 2011

St.Patty's Day Shinanigans

St. Paul is known in Minnesota as the place to be on St. Paticks day. Mitch and I have talked about going for the past years but have never made it over there. When we found out that the BSU hockey team was going to be playing in the final five on St. Patricks day in St. Paul we took it as a sign we were meant to play hooky from work. So we took off work grabbed a couple of friends (Matt, Katie, and Jason) and spent a nice solid 13 hours celebrating (read: drinking green beer, keeping a kilt count, watching the oddest parade you have ever seen.)

The parade was really an interesting experience the extent of it was a bunch of O'Somethings or McSomeones walking down the streets holding a banner with the family name on it and chanting the letters to spell their last name, just in case the crowd wasn't able to make out the spelling on the giant banner they were carrying.

My favorite part of the parade, and any parade for that fact, is the bagpipers. My Grandpa is Scottish and my Uncle plays in a bagpipe band so pipers hold a special place in my heart.....not to mention that this really boosted up the kilt count we had going on for the day!

St. Patric's day lead to a ton on awesome people watching. Mitch and I roamed the streets for a quite a while before the parade started and I could have done it for hours more.

The bars were so packed with people that they had set up outdoor tents. It was awesome weather so being outside was the way to go for us. Oh and we got the necessary green beer taken care of!

These two have a major bromance going on right now, which is really fun for Katie and I. Kate and I have been friends for 8 years now and it is so great to know that we will be able to spend time together and the guys get along just as well as Kate and I do.

Please note the Sprite in the pregnant ladies hand.

And the iceing on the cake for an awesome day a BSU vicotry along with Mitch's first ever witnessing of a penalty shot!

All it all this St. Patrick's day might be my favotire St. Patrick's day of all time, and we already have a date with the Boell's to do it again next year, and St. Patrick's day lands on a Saturday!

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